Friday, January 29, 2016

Value Rule - Ribbon Workbench CRM 2015

Tested on: CRM 2015

Below is the procedure to apply 'Value Rule' using Ribbon Workbench.

Business Process is to hide Post button on invoice form page, when status reason is Posted.


1) I have added a new Display Rule, add a step Value Rule and add display rule to Post button command, as shown in below snapshot.

2) Now set Value Rule Properties as shown in below snapshot

Defualt:  To return true or false, when condition matches with parameter value
Field: Field whose value is compared
InvertResult: To return true or false, when condition do not match with parameter value
Value: Value to be matched.

This rule will hide (return false) Post button whenever statuscode value is 100001. Post button is shown when statuscode value is not equal to 100001.

#AW CRM Consultant Maison Consulting & Solutions

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